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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day Three ~ Children

More often than not, children are always looking for ways to impress us and show that they care. 

Remember that project that your child brought home from school and gave to you? 

My daughter is always bringing me lovely gifts to show she cares. The two most cherished gifts she has given me in the past eight years, still make me emotional when I look at them.

Her first Mother's Day in Kindergarten, she took the time at school and planted a seed. This seed she nourished and grew into a beautiful spider plant. That day after school, she bounced off the bus with a huge smile. In her hand was a small orange potted plant. I couldn't tell right away what it was, but she immediately yelled, "Mommy, I grewed this for you. Isn't she pretty?" I didn't care what was in the pot. However, I cared about the fact that my daughter took the time to think of me while planting her precious plant that I came to love. 

The second gift she brought me is a glass rose from the Santa shop last Christmas, along with a #1 Mom pen. I love them. She knows how much I like nature and my flowers. When she saw this, she used just about all of her Santa shop cash on me. I cried. To this day, if anyone goes near it I'm jumping up to get them away quickly. I fear it getting broken. This beautiful glass rose has pink petals with a few green leaves and the stem is crystal clear. It's beautiful. 

FOR TODAY'S LOVE CHALLENGE, I challenge you to take time out of your busy day to cherish that blessing known as your child. Do something special with him/her/them. You could have a movie night, cook dinner together, or have a dance party in your living room. Feel free to have ideas of your own to do with your kids. Either way, set aside some time just for them. 

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